domingo, 24 de julho de 2011

Atividade avaliativa de Inglês(2º e 3ª ano) Profª Itaiza

1)Qual tipo de bullying acontece com mais frenquência na nossa sociedade?
Analise cada um,em seguida faça um comentário a respeito do que você optou.(O comentário deve ser escrito e entregue ao professor até 03 de Agosto.)

Types of Bullying
Name-calling or Teasing
Who ever came up with the phrase “Sticks and stones can hurt my bones but words can never hurt me” must never have had someone call them names or make fun of them. Name-calling and teasing are forms of verbal bullying.

When someone kicks or punches us it hurts us on the outside, while when someone teases us or calls us names, it hurts us on the inside. In many classrooms teasing and name-calling are the most common forms of bullying. Unfortunately, because they don’t leave scratches or bruises and often happen when there are no adults around, they can go unnoticed by parents or teachers.
Exclusion, or leaving someone out, is another form of bullying. This is when a person or group of people won’t let someone play with them, join a group activity or will invite everyone to come to a party or take part in a game except for one person on purpose.

All children (and adults!) like to fit in, have friends and feel accepted. When we exclude someone we make them feel unlikable and very alone. As you go through school, it’s understandable that you won’t be great friends with everybody in your class and there are some kids you just won’t have things in common with or will have trouble getting along with. However, this is no excuse, for purposefully excluding someone.
Some kids not only tease others or exclude others; they can also be physically abusive. Kicking, punching, pinching, pushing are all forms of physical bullying. It is never okay to hurt someone physically even if they have hurt you. While it can be very tempting to hit someone if they have hurt you in some way, this is not going to make you feel better or solve the problem.

Being physically bullied is incredibly scary for a victim and puts them at great risk. Many children have been seriously injured by physical bullying. Often, the kids doing this end up hurting victims more than they meant to. In some cases, victims have been killed accidentally!
Threatening (ameaçador)
Threatening is another form of verbal bullying. When someone threatens someone else, they say we are going to do something hurtful, even though they may never do it. They may threaten that they are going to hurt someone physically, take their belongings or spread personal information or rumours about them.

Being threatened is very scary and hurtful. The victims are always afraid the person is going to carry out their threats, but they often don’t know when or where this may happen. They start each day worrying they are going to come to school and find everyone talking about them or they are going to get beat up.

sábado, 23 de julho de 2011

Assunto para o trabalho interdisciplinar de História: Professora Daniele.
Ler na Constituição Federal o titulo VII, Capitulo VI Incisos I e II, e fazer um texto opinativo, sobre o que diz o texto a respeito do meio ambiente. O prazo de entrega é até o dia 25 de agosto.

quinta-feira, 21 de julho de 2011

Técnicas de Estudo ( Profª Itaiza)

1)Analise as técnicas de estudo e veja se você é um bom estudante.( Atividade p/ 1º,2º e 3º ano).

*Pay attention in class.
*Take good notes.
*Keep an organized notebook for each subject.
*Know the purpose of each assignment.
*Ask questions in class.
*Review! Review! Review!
It can help you retain 80% of the information.
* Plan a definite time and place for studying each day.
*Study for a while and take short breaks.
*Don´t cram for hours the night before a test.
Study a little bit each day.

Think positive... Do your best!

terça-feira, 5 de julho de 2011

Novela e denúncia- Professor( Douglas Pereira)

 Comente no blog como a novela Insensato Coração exibida às 9h na rede globo de televisão denuncia as impunidades que acontecem no Brasil. Se vc não assiste, comente através daquilo que vc conhece sobre o assunto.

segunda-feira, 4 de julho de 2011

Aprenda Inglês com os verbos (Teacher Douglas Pereira 8ª A e 8ªB)

 Analise os verbos abaixo e forme frases com os mesmos.

 Like ( gostar)
study ( estudar)
eat ( comer)
drink ( beber)
talk ( conversar)
  Memorize- os, posteriormente postarei mais alguns.
DICA: Use os pronomes pessoais para facilitar ( I - YOU- HE- SHE- IT- WE-YOU-THEY), EM SEGUIDA USE UM COMPLEMENTO PARA CONCLUIR A FRASE.
EXEMPLO- I drink orange juice.

Preconceito - ( Professor Douglas Pereira)

 Você acredita que o negro sofre preconceito na atual sociedade? Comente sobre o assunto no blog.

Indicações de leitura ( Professor Douglas Pereira)

 . A Cartomante ( Machado de Assis)
. Os Miseráveis ( Victor Hugo)
. A Carne ( Júlio Ribeiro)
. O Menino do Pijama Listrado ( Jonh Boyne)
. Onze Minutos ( Paulo Coelho)
. Cinco Minutos ( José de Alencar)